Witaj w AKCYZA-VIP-ZONE, strefie gdzie każdy klient jest VIP-em!
Aby trafić w gusta najbardziej wymagających, zmieniliśmy się w prawdziwie luksusowy punkt usługowy na mapie Warszawy! A więc poznajmy się, krótko i na temat!
AKCYZA-VIP-ZONE VEHICLE REGISTRATION, Insurance Agency, Customs Agency and Translation Bureau | Warsaw | tel. 
503 606 625 | phone 22 37 35 8 00 | phone 791 343 252 | biuro@akcyza.org

Frequently asked questions

What is excise tax and how to calculate it?

Excise tax is a tax that must be paid to the tax office on a passenger car imported from the EU on the basis of a filed declaration, excise tax is paid on the market value of the vehicle in Poland, a percentage depending on the capacity of the vehicle:

under 2000cc – 3.1%

above 2000cc – 18.6%

How much time is there to file excise documents? How much time is there to pay the excise tax?

There are 14 days from the date the vehicle is imported into Poland to file a declaration with the tax office, while we have as many as 30 days to pay.

What are the required documents to register a vehicle imported from Germany?

In order to register a vehicle imported from abroad, the required documents are proof(s) of registration, contract/invoice of purchase and technical examination, the rest can be done with us. 🙂

What do registration certificates from abroad look like?

You can check the current registration certificate templates on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure: https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/wzory-dowodow-rejestracyjnych

What are the official fees for re-registering a vehicle?

The fee for registering a car in Warsaw is 67.50 zlotys (unchanged) or 180.50 zlotys (with a change to standard plates).

What is needed to re-register a vehicle?

The required documents are a registration certificate with a valid roadworthiness test, vehicle card, purchase contract(s) (continuity of owners from the registration certificate) and license plates.

Vehicle registration for a foreigner, what does it need?

The required documents are passport, pesel number, registration and, in the case of an EU citizen, an EU citizen’s certificate. In the case of a non-EU citizen – residence card or visa (purpose of issuance above 04)

When do I have to take out an insurance contract?

Insurance must be taken out no later than the date of the vehicle’s first registration in Poland; if there is no active insurance contract, the vehicle owner will receive a penalty from the UFG in accordance with current rates.

How to check if the registration certificate is for collection?

You can check the status of your registration certificate at: https://info-car.pl/new/rejestracja-pojazdu/sprawdz-status-dowodu-rejestracyjnego

Excise tax for a passenger car, do I have to pay?

Yes, excise taxes apply for passenger vehicles.

Excise tax for a truck, do I have to pay?

If the vehicle has 2-3 seats in front and does not meet the prerequisites of a passenger vehicle, it is exempt from excise taxes.

What is the procedure for registering a motorcycle in Warsaw?

The procedure is similar to that for passenger vehicles, while for a motorcycle, there is no excise tax.

What is the procedure for registering a historic vehicle in Warsaw?

We will arrange for you to get documents from an appraiser and an entry from a conservationist, and then register your vehicle with antique plates.

What is the procedure for document translation in Warsaw?

Documents can be delivered in person to our office, or sent to us by email, we will make an estimate and accept the service.

What is the procedure for excise tax exemption, resettlement of property?

For the above procedure, we invite you to schedule an individual consultation.

What is the procedure for customs clearance of a vehicle from outside the EU?

For the above procedure, we invite you to schedule an individual consultation.

How do you quickly make an EORI number?

We make EORI number even in 5H without unnecessary formalities and leaving home. Simply download our authorization from the EORI tab, or contact us by phone or email.

Where to pay the excise tax?

The excise tax can be paid at the tax office.

Our team

Barbara Goździk

Account manager

Mariusz Szymanski

Business owner

Write to us

We will respond as soon as possible.